My contention is that rather than seeing an 'autocratic' Russia with demonic, revanchist Putin in search of restoring the Soviet Union's Empire, we see that Russia led by Putin as standing up to the bully of the neoliberal, globalist world order that seeks total world domination. In this sense, the Ukrainians fight a proxy war for "rules-based" Empire, while the Russians fight a proxy war for a multipolar world of law.

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Your general thrust is correct, IMO. However (1) Zelensky’s sanity or lack thereof is irrelevant: he is just an actor; he has no real power over the conduct of this war, he’s not actually convincing anybody to do anything and the Ukraine, itself, has no real sovereignty; and (2) the Empire of Lies is not “mistaken”; they are determined to break up Russia into statelets without strategic power or sovereignty. To them, a decisive victory by Russia opens the possibility of geopolitical shifts that could bring their entire world order, built on endless swindles and lies, to an end.

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Good piece but I fear you have chosen to substitute stupidity for actually what is malice in describing Ukrainian and Western leadership.

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Reeks of propaganda. The "good people" of x, y and z are not so good. They have the leaders and gov't they deserve. Nuclear war will happen because the drug addled, sex addicted, gluttonous, thieving, lying, dishonorable "good people" of the West overwhelmingly don't know and don't care. The rest of your post I concur.

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Actually you're enthralled by the Narrative Matrix controlled by Oligarchs and Military Institutions who've created an illusion of democracy. You've been conditioned like Skinner's rats and Pavlov's dogs by our government's psychological manipulation operations.

I used to think just like you supporting our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Someone challenged my way of thinking and I took up his challenge. I was sent on a quest for knowledge. Over the years I learned most of what I knew about history was lies, even what I was taught at school. This is why I made the statement in my first paragraph.

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You are right about Russia saving the world but you do a disservice to their sacrifice by portraying the West as stupid. They didn't get to run the world for centuries by being stupid. They ran the world by being immoral, greedy, deceitful, cunning, devious, murderous and now delusional but stupid? I have to disagree.

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Wow not one mention of how Russia implemented every single coronavirus restriction on their people that the WHO recommended! This article is for peasants who believe this whole Russia vs Ukraine vs NATO b.s. Russia is a proud signatory of agenda 21 and agenda 2030 Putin was a young global leader at the WEF and Russia will sign the world health organization pandemic treaty! Vaccine passports! Genetic birth certificates! Digital ID and track and trace will be implemented on their people (just to name a few)! Literally stripping their citizens of any civil liberties inline with every other western country! If you are honestly one of these idiots who believes this garbage, you're as stupid as the people who think "Trump is taking down the deep state everyone, just one more Vaccine to go"... listen you peasants! Just because putin and zelensky are willing to send poor brainwashed Russians and Ukrainians to die in Ukraine, doesn't mean anything! Coronavirus restrictions are the agenda and all these countries are working together on those mandates! Listening to peasants rally on about this war is like Listening to peasants talk about WW1 every monarch in that war was related!

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The hope is Russia was a signatory to the new world order to get along but now that the masks are off Russia is implementing a new new world order and with it's victory agenda 21 and many other agendas will be irrelevant. As far as countries working together to implement these agendas you couldn't be more wrong. Countries do NOT work together, they are bullied, intimidated, bribed and otherwise coerced.

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OK, I say collaborate you say they were bullied, WHATEVER! that's irrelevant! Russia will sign the world health organization pandemic treaty and all you "Ukraine said Russia said " cheerleaders will have to come to term that putin and the Russia government are coronavirus biometric state implementing GLOBALISTS! Like my God, the globalists wants peasants poor and unble to travel, this war in Ukraine literally makes everyone poorer and unable to travel.. whatever you people keep chearleading your puppets I'll be here watching as Russia implements a digital currency which is another WEF proposal.. like f peasants are stupid

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Hey did you hear Russia wants to make covid vaccines mandatory? Yea some new New world order you got there! Like I said! This Ukraine War is a distraction for peasants hike the agenda 2030 moves forward. Removing everyone of you goyim serfs from

Accessing precious none renewable resources is the agenda! So everything that helps with that agenda is on the table

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How is Russia saving the world by killing innocent people with shelling of residencial areas with no military units presence? Could you explain to me how Russia is saving the world with the atrocities in Bucha. And futhermore using the holodomor tactics on Africe by denying food transport through the sea port?

If Russia is such a Super Power why isn't it the main language in the world then?

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The Ukrainians mined the sea access to Odessa through which most grain is exported. The civilian ships captains and the ships owners cannot get insurance to make these journeys. Russian ships insurance have been sanctioned. Go figure who is preventing food transport.

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Russia will not "absorb Ukraine". Putin's smarter than that. He (and the Russians) don't want the sink hole, rat's nest, welfare state that is Ukraine tied around their country's neck, fomenting discord and endlessly facilitating destabilizing political corruption. Ukraine will remain the "West's" problem. When Putin is done, what remains of Ukraine will be little more than a banana peel discarded on the world's sidewalk, left to rot. The best outcome for the entire planet would have been preventing the Ukraine cancer in the first place - but NATO's and our Congress's corruption knew no limits. Now there is no medicine that will save the West. Its attempted world hegemony has come to an inglorious end. Ukraine, before this is all over, will arguably take down both the EU and the United States as Russia and China plan their mutual symbiotic future with India, the Middle East, Australia, and South America. If the United States someday regains its economic glory and individual freedom of its citizenry, I won't live long enough to experience it. Neither will you.

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How much you want to make a bet Russia works with the rest of the world and implements a biometric vaccine passport security state! All you plebs are rallying on about this war when the real globalist agenda is forcing the world onto a Vaccine passport system that monitors everything you do and gives over all a countries health management authority over to the WHO... you plebs honestly have junk IQs

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Us plebs are not deranged fantasists and I for one have a government certified IQ of circa 135.

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I'm sorry if you think Putin is fighting the NWO globists while implementing vaccine passports, genetic Identification and genetic birth certificates with the rest of biometric security state! You are a fn i@@ot!

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Australia ???

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Zelensky and the junta in Kiev are Khazarian. They were installed by, and answer to, Khazars in the City of London at MI-6. Washington DC is entirely owned and operated by Khazarians and directly controlled by the British Admiralty. The Israeli junta are also Khazarians. Back to Zelensky, this little putz has killed 250,000 Ukrainian goyim to make way for Israel 2.0. As I write, Israel's Khazarian thugs are pausing their Arab extermination project. They will pause just long enough to slip a $100 billion aid package by the Fluoridated American public. After they get the money they will go back to exterminating Arabs so they can steal the oil and gas located off the coast of Gaza. Looking ahead, unless something unforeseen comes up, America will be forced into a war with Iran by Christmas. Don't try to make sense of what Khazarians do. They are compleat psychopathic demons. They thrive on destruction and blood. They say they exist to break Logos to force God's return but that's just a lie. They are demons without souls.

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I am a conservative American Patriot. I see all this that is discussed by A Stein's articles. Finally, at last. I thought I was the only one in America who sees the truth. Putin invading Ukraine is akin to when the USA invaded Cuba because of the missiles threat(failed Bay of Pigs)...if Cuba had also BEEN a part of the USA at one time.

THANK you, Mr Stein!

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Russia has done what no other country including China, has done and that is stand up to the evil, outlaw globalist empire of lies, theft and industrial scale murder. Every criticism of Russia before Feb 24 is irrelevant as it was a junior member of a hostage world community.

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Thank you for being brave enough to articulate out loud, a point if view that I have been espousing on some social media site. That is, we are simply on the wrong side. There are large numbers of people denying that there are serious white supremist, ultra nationals with a huge influence, not in, but behind the Kiev government. Zelensky had promised to bring peace to the troubled Donbas, but was forced to let loose the Azov dogs of war instead. If by any strange quirk of fate that Ukrain comes out on top, expect fi see a rise in " national socialism", aka Nazism, in Europe and beyond, as if it was not already on the rise.

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Fake news!

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Great piece, Abraham. I agree with you on many points. Here's an article you may enjoy. It complements parts of your argument. https://generalgrievance.substack.com/p/ukraine-and-the-perfect-recipe-for-1d4?s=w

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It is acutally largely because of the constant interference of US into Ukraine politics that this country is so corruped. They use Ukraine as a shadow state to do their dirty business and power plays.

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