Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Agreeing with another commenter below... So I have a little professional experience in Ukraine and a general knowledge of the western intelligence services activities supporting the US State Department project in Ukraine. And Soros was/is a heavy funder of the bat belfry of socio-political NGOs that serve as the incubators of the conditions necessary to overthrow a government. When any national government fails to conform to the Atlantacist's agenda to the degree demanded the usual suspects move in and begin a process that has had significant success around the world. Maidan was a coup and the violence was instigated, orchestrated and paid for by the CIA and its enablers. Soros is an important one of those enablers as his agenda parallels the interests of the US hegemon enough that they find each other useful and cooperate. Both think they are using the other I imagine. I've seen what you describe in the article and worked around it all my life ion my line of work but what is had to get hands on is a good set of artifacts that tell the story. As a great example, the author mentions Soros' own letters and statements that are referenced in this article. The author seems to have knowledge of, could those be added to this article? I don't need convincing, I believe my own lying eyes and experience here but it would be useful to have direct sources to make a case to those that are inclined to dismiss this as tinfoil hat conspiracy theory but might be convinced if there was a bit of objective evidence.

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You’ve just consumed too much Marvel fiction (nothwistanding Soros’s undoubtable contribution to the class war). Read some Marx and Lenin for a reality check.

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This is 100% true and accurate. Soros is connected to Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum and to the World Health Organization Great Resett (see James Roguski). Their goal is a One World Government under...

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Quite big claims here... any chance of backing them up with actual documents?

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If you've been paying attention and reading the right media In recent years you'd know Soros has been setting up shop in ukraine since early 90's and is the funder of all evil that has seeded our society .

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Soros “is the funder of all evil that has seeded our society”.

Right. All of it. I get it.

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