Why did Russia Bomb innocent Civilians in Ukraine?
How many civilian casualties and who is to blame?
It is a common question, why did Russia bomb civilians in Ukraine? Those asking this question may have been heavily influenced by one sided politically motivated mainstream media. For the past month the western media (American and European) have been pushing a narrative that the President of the Russian people Vladimir Putin ordered his troops fighting in Ukraine to target civilians, but do the facts back up the assertion? Why did Russia bomb innocent civilians in Ukraine? Looking at the facts it is hard to conclude that Russian troops ever targeted civilians.
Putin’s plea
Before the start of the Ukrainian Russian war on February 24th, Vladimir Putin spoke from Russia directly to the citizens of Ukraine, he urged them not to take up arms so that no civilians would get hurt. He pleaded with them not to fight, he asked them to lay down arms to avoid any bloodshed. The Ukraine government took a different approach, they challenged Russians to enter the country, vowing to fight until the last man was standing. Putin made it clear why he was sending Russian troops into Ukraine, and it had a lot to do with helping the citizens.
“I have taken the decision to carry out a special military operation,” Mr. Putin said. “Its goal will be to defend people who for eight years are suffering persecution and genocide by the Kyiv regime. For this we will aim for demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as taking to court those who carried out multiple bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.”
The statement is the complete opposite of what the American and NATO nations have been telling us, Putin went as far as calling Russians and Ukrainians “one people”, his statement was about going into Ukraine to help civilians. “Why did Russia bomb innocent civilians in Ukraine?” clearly this is the wrong question to ask, in 2014 Ukrainians were battling Pro-Russian backed groups in the city of Donbass, and it is the citizens who suffered greatly according to a United Nations report.
The report, produced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and covers the period from 16 July to 17 August 2014, expresses dismay at the killing and wounding of civilians who were trapped in urban areas or attempting to flee the fighting in eastern Ukraine using “safe” corridors established by the Government. The United Nations report highlighted the fact that Ukrainians were involved in heavy fighting with weaponry near densely populated civilian areas resulting in casualties
2014 United Nations on Ukraine
“Deliberate targeting of civilians is a violation of international humanitarian law, and more must be done to protect them,” said High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. “All those involved in the hostilities in the affected areas of the east must at all times comply with the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution. This is particularly important in densely populated areas.”
The Russians have stated that one of the plans of Ukrainian nationalists is to station soldiers in residential areas.
"According to available information, nationalists are also barring civilians, including foreigners, from leaving, first of all, blockaded populated localities. We have this reliable information, primarily, concerning Kiev, Kharkov, Mariupol along with a number of other inhabited localities," Russian General Mizintsev.
According to Russia, Ukrainian nationalists are hiding in civilian areas using them as human shields, provoking us to use arms against innocent people.
"We have never done so and will not do,"
Russian General Mizintsev urged Ukraine and international organizations to provide humanitarian corridors as soon as possible, so that anyone can pass through them to safe locations.
"In view of the above, we now urge all international organizations, all without exception, as well as the Ukrainian leadership, to immediately ensure the emergence of humanitarian corridors for exits to safe places by all those citizens who will say so, all without exception," Mizintsev said.
In an address early this month on national television, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced military action in Donbas, urging Ukrainian forces to lay down their arms and go home, according to state-run news agencies RIA-Novosti and TASS.
Putin warned that all responsibility for any potential bloodshed will be on the conscience of the Ukrainian government, and said he was confident Russian service members will fulfill their duty.
Putin issued a statement last month as the war was just under way, he revealed that he had been speaking often with Emmanuel Macron of France for hours trying to avoid any conflicts and how to protect civilians in Ukrainian cities. Putin again urged Ukrainians not to fight, but Ukraine again wanted to fight.
“It was stressed that in order to resolve the difficult humanitarian situation in this city, Ukrainian nationalist militants must stop resisting and lay down their arms,” the Kremlin said in a statement. Why did Russia bomb innocent citizens in Ukraine? The facts presented show a Russia trying to avoid civilian casualties, to believe Russia would suddenly target civilians makes little sense. Sadly, civilians do get caught in the middle of warfare, it is horrific, yet the claim that Russia is targeting civilians on purpose does not add up. We need to know how many civilian causalities are actually being caused by Ukrainian forces, as in 2014, since both sides are engaged in heavy combat. Ukrainians have armed thousands of nationalists and mercenaries during the conflict, these fighters are not loyal to citizens caught in the crossfire. Simply accepting the narrative that Russians are bombing civilians in Ukraine is naïve to say the least.