The Ukrainian military can only run on American propaganda for so long, the truth eventually comes to the surface. The raw truth is that Ukraine is losing to Russia, and they are losing in a tremendous way. Please notice that there are no statistics on the exact number of Ukrainian military causalities, and there will not be any official count, the West is hiding their devastating losses. There are well documented reports on the number of Russian causalities, the number is about 23,000-28,000 and Russia continually speaks openly about how many soldiers they have lost in the conflict. Why no Ukrainian count? Ukrainian president Zelensky in March asked the American media not to report the number of Ukrainian losses so as to not weaken the moral of the Ukrainian soldiers and people. The reality is that Ukraine is not only losing, but they are also losing big. the Ukrainian people are not stupid, they don’t read American news, they know they are being demolished. The people of Ukraine will eventually turn their allegiance to Russia in order to ger normalcy back in their live, it has started already.
Zelensky is not popular in Ukraine
The Carnegie Foundation in 2021 did an in-depth examination of Zelensky’s popularity (or lack of) in Ukraine and found were stunned that most Ukrainians did not support him getting a second term. Their conclusion was that Zelensky came in as “a man of the people”, but then quickly turned into another crooked Ukrainian president. A mere 22% of Ukrainians wanted Zelensky to get a second term. The majority of Ukrainians do not like Zelensky, he is seen as a puppet of the West.
“The latest Ukrainian opinion polls show that President Volodymyr Zelensky has lost his main advantage: his popularity with the public. For the first time, fewer people said they supported him than did not. The old elites have been waiting for this moment ever since Zelensky’s landslide victory last year”
American media propaganda is trying to sell Zelensky as a war hero, but the Ukrainian people are not buying into it.
Would Ukrainians really side with Russia?
It may seem contradictory that the Ukrainians would turn to the very people bombing them but that is exactly what is already happening in Ukraine. It is well known that the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luganska will be proceeding with a referendum (or annexing) to officially become part of the Russian federation but that is only the beginning. The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin is a genius, do not for a second believe the nonsense about Ukrainian resistance, there is very little resistance at all. Putin grabbed the 3rd largest city in Ukraine, Kherson, the city is now 100% under Russian control with old Soviet flags flying all over the city, the Ukrainians are living quite well there. The Russians capturing and annexing Kherson, Mariupol, Donetsk, and Lugansk means that Russia has won the war, a simple look at the map shows why.
Understand that Ukraine will never control these cities again…ever. Putin did not come into Ukraine to lose; he did not go there to temporarily control these cities and then hand them back. Ukraine will never again be the full independent state it was in 1991.
In 2014 Russia annexed Crimea, Ukraine responded by building a dam to stop the flow of fresh water into the city, it was cruel but highly effective. For 8 years the people of Crimea were deprived of fresh drinking water, it was rationed by the Ukrainian government. The situation was so cruel, human right organizations attempted to get involved, but the dam remained. Crimea had always depended on mainland Ukraine for around 85% of its water supplies, and these supplies were cut in April 2014, following Russia’s invasion and annexation. Ukraine harshly responded, “Since Crimea wanted to belong to Russia let Putin give them water”, this cruelty has backfired in Ukraine.
Once in a while a politician slips up and tells the truth, and that is what happened with the Crimea water situation. In 2020, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denis Shmyhal , confessed that it was inhumane to punish the people of Crimea by cutting their water supply. There was a tremendous backlash from Zelensky’s political party, and Shmyhal was forced to back away from his words. The people in Southern Ukraine know exactly what was done to the people of Crimea and they will not forget it.
Ukraine built a dam in Kherson to obstruct the fresh water supply into Crimea, but on February 25th Putin’s Russia destroyed that dam, the freshwater flows today and Russia is not giving the city of Kherson back. Last week Kherson asked Russia to annex it, Ukraine will never again control Kherson.
First look at Donetsk, then Lugansk, now look at Kherson. Russia now controls that Kherson water, this is brilliant miliary planning, this is the genius of Putin. The Russians blasted that dam on the first day of the war, water flows there now like a river of gold.
Putin is masterfully picking Ukraine apart legally with annexation, there is also tremendous humanitarian food outreach in these cities. The Russians are winning the hearts, minds, and stomachs of the Ukrainians. Putin is fighting a brilliant old school war; he is taking the most important pieces on the chess board, don’t believe any nonsense that Ukraine is winning anything. Why did Secretary Llyod Austin the head of the American military call the head of the Russian defense 2 days ago? It is because the propaganda is up, Russia has won and soon the American and British media will not be able to hide this fact.
Where is the resistance?
The Ukrainian civilians are not saying “keep your food you horrible disgusting Russians”, instead they are lining up in the thousands, laughing and even hugging the Russian soldiers. These videos are all over the internet, they provide more honest information than any American or NATO nation media.
Ukrainians don’t hug Zelensky.
The city of Mariupol is now the most famous city in Ukraine, the whole world knows the small port city because it was bombed to bits by the Russians, and yet a strange thing is happening there, many Ukrainians are choosing to move to Russia. When the holed-up citizens were finally released from the Azovstal steel plant about half of those who were in the factory decided to go with the Russians. 60% stayed in Ukraine but more importantly 40 % freely chose to move to Russia. One month after Russia invaded Ukraine, an amazing video surfaced from Mariupol, the citizens on camera were literally cursing Zelensky, they blamed him for all their suffering not the Russians. Click the video below to see
Zelensky has responded to the many Ukrainians moving to Russia by saying the Russians were forcing them, they were not going on their own free will according to the Ukrainian president.
The famous pregnant woman with blood on her face coming out of the bombed out maternally ward became a picture of Russian cruelty in the Western media. Last week the woman shocked the Western media by announcing she would be living in the Russian controlled area, and she slammed Zelensky by posting a video saying no one was forcing Ukrainians to go to Russia, everyone was going freely wherever they wanted.
Once again, the dishonest American media and British media (BBC, Sun, etc) are left looking foolish, they would never show this video.
Ukraine runs on American propaganda
American media is corrupt, they work with Washington to literally fabricate stories every night to the good people of the United States. Zelensky is an American media creation, his job is to go on television and convince Ukrainians that they are winning (as Ukrainian corpses line the streets), his other job is to leech every dollar out of the USA. To put it mildly, Zelensky is a money hungry blood sucker, he wants Ukraine eternally on the American payroll. Ukrainians do not sing the praises of Zelensky, Americans do. Zelensky is no hero to the average European trying to make a living. The good people of Europe and the United States have legitimate concern and compassion for the men, women and children being bombed nightly in Ukraine, but they do not worship Zelensky as Western media does. The American government told us, the Afghan army was strong and winning easily against the Talban, but in less than a week the world learned it was all a lie after seeing the Afghan army collapse live on their television. The problem with the American media is that it does not realize that the truth eventually comes out, propaganda has Karma attached to it. Billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment was taken by the Taliban, they even mocked our U.S military. The only way the U.S government can justify sending billions of dollars and weapons into Ukraine is to have the public believe the Ukrainian military is actually winning. Just a few billion dollars more and Ukraine wins, this is the game, it is corrupt, and it is how America operates. Let’s be clear, Ukraine is losing and cannot win.
Surrender and the checks stop coming.
Zelensky could have surrendered and negotiated with Russia, but this would have stopped the billion-dollar checks from the United States from coming in, America does not pay armies that surrender. Zelensky is a young man, but he is not willing to fight Russia himself, he is on Twitter as his Ukrainian citizens get slaughtered. The tough guy act can only last so long before the people wake up. Zelensky told Ukrainians in Mariupol to “keep fighting” after Russia controlled 99% of the city, he ordered the bloodbath to continue.
Ukrainians are quickly seeing how Zelensky and his bandits in Government are the only Ukrainians benefiting from war. Putin is smarter than every single person in the American government, he is wining and winning easily, don’t believe for a second Russia does not know what it is doing.
The well is running dry, we have thrown away so much money in Afghanistan and now weapons in Ukraine we are creating a security crisis for Americans.
“The US has sent about a third of its inventory of Javelins and Stingers; I did my own calculations and the DoD confirmed them,” said Mark Cancian, a former US Marine colonel and government expert on Pentagon budget strategy, now a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC.
Cancian warned it will take some time for the US to replenish these supplies: “We’re building about 800 Javelins a year – with maybe another 200 going abroad in foreign sales – and we’ve sent about 5,500 to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian people know that Russia is winning, they are smart, they will see they are being used as bait as Zelensky keeps cashing the American checks. Ukraine will never be the same after Putin is done with it, more than half (if not all) of Ukraine will once again belong to Russia. America is throwing away billions in Ukraine that could easily be spend on its own. Do not be surprised to see the Ukrainians turning to the Russians in order to resume normal life.
probably the best and most truthful article written since Feb 24 and we happen to know about Ukraine since their Nazi days of 1940's when they brutalized local population they way they are doing in 2020. like cowards.
proof and source?