The truth is self-evident, Ukraine is a poor welfare state that has become a danger to the whole world, Russia must capture all of it for the safety of mankind. Most in the West are ignorant to the history of modern Eastern Europe, when the Russians entered Ukraine on February 24th few in the United States could locate Ukraine on a map, little did they know that this little dysfunctional state had the potential to trigger World War 3. Russia may be the last hope to save the world from a fast-approaching catastrophic military event.
Independent State or Wild Child
In 1991 Ukraine gained its “independence” from the Soviet Union (Russia), it was a weird event to say the least, there had always been a militant nationalistic element in the subset of the Ukrainian people clamoring for so called freedom from oppression, but they did not know what to do when it fell into their lap. In the 1970’s “The Ukraine” as it was called at the time, had a handful of underground semi-radical newspapers which called for a future separate from the Soviet Union, these publications prided itself on pushing for a pipe dream independence while never fully prepared for the actual event. These newspapers bashed the Soviet Union with each issue, always reminding Ukrainians of their glorious past and the sins of the Russians. The view from the Ukrainian underground was that it was Ukraine nationalism versus the oppressor Soviet Union.
The problem with the so-called Ukraine independence movement was that it clearly could do nothing without Russia, one must wonder if those Ukrainians ever really believed they would one day be an independent state. Soviet controlled Kiev (now Kyiv) was clean and generally prosperous, it was not perfect, but it gave Ukraine a comfortable stability. The cutting of ties with the Soviets exposed Ukraine for what it really was, an angry, rebellious, cynical immature child begging their parent for the car keys. No one really expected the Soviet Union to suddenly collapse and when it happened, the Ukrainian underground obtained a sudden independence which has put the whole world in danger,
American President, George Bush Sr knew that Ukraine could easily go down the wrong road, he knew Ukraine had dangerous radical elements that could make their independence a disaster.
Months before its break from the Soviet Union, Bush Sr warned Ukraine that their out-of-control nationalism had the potential to end Ukraine. A country could not survive on pure blind nationalism, yet that is exactly the dangerous path Ukrainians decided to take.
Here is the video. Watch Bush’s fears become reality.
Bush gave stern warning to the Ukrainians, he made it clear that with independence comes responsibility, Freedom is NOT the same as independence.
Most alarming is what Bush said about the role of the United States, he said we would NOT be meddling in the business of Ukraine nor taking sides against Russia. Looking at where we are today, we see the United States has more than meddled in Ukrainian business, in fact, in many ways the USA controls the state. After becoming “independent” the same Ukraine that longed to be “free” from the Soviet Union oppression had to turn around and beg Russia to financially support them; they were not able to stand on their own two feet. Russia generously carried Ukraine during the early years of their break with Moscow. Ukrainian money problems accelerated so quicky that they ended up owing Russia over $3 billion dollars (in today’s money about $50 billion American dollars was owned to Russia). The Ukrainians of course could not and did not pay, Russia ended up bailing them out. Ukraine was independent in name only, they relied on Russia to survive, for over 12 years the Russians basically provided the Ukrainians free oil and gas.
It was easy bashing the Soviet Union in underground Ukrainian national magazines while being fed by Moscow, but true independence was harder that the radicals imagined. Ukraine has never thanked Russia for all the financial help it received, they have become comfortable being an ungrateful welfare state to the world. An American English teacher describes what her experience was teaching in Kyiv, Ukraine four years after their independence, the stark contrast between Soviet Ukraine and independent Ukraine was evident.
When we arrived as volunteer English teachers and small-business development specialists in 1995, Ukraine was struggling to define itself. The country of roughly 46 million people had been a major industrial powerhouse in the Soviet Union. When that crumbled, so did Ukraine’s economy. Unemployment hovered around 15 percent. The standard of living was depressing. I was assigned to teach in Kaniv, a central Ukrainian city of about 30,000 people. Electricity and water were rationed to a few hours a day. City bus routes would be suspended for weeks because of a lack of gas. Everyone wore their heavy coats in the classrooms during the winter, and many of my students did their homework by candlelight.
Things did not get better; it would take just 20 years for Ukraine to become the poorest country in Europe as it is today.
Ukraine has become an example of failed independence, since leaving the Soviet Union in 1991 they have earned the distinction as becoming the poorest nation in Europe.
Amazingly it gets worst
Ukraine has become a debt-ridden wayward child, but their downward spiral took an even more sinister direction when they turned to open political corruption. The capital city Kyiv became probably the most crooked place in all of Europe. How corrupt is Ukraine? When Americans tried to send the Ukrainian government military aid in 2014 a strange thing happened, the American aid ended up on the black market! Basically, the Ukrainian Government was so corrupt they SOLD the aid we gave them, Time magazine reported the mind-blowing story.
Time Magazine 2014:
“As Ukrainian and Russian media have been quick to point out, several Ukrainian websites started hawking American MREs by the caseload — and on the cheap — just as the U.S. government began delivering them to Ukraine as part of a nonlethal-military-aid package. It has been impossible to confirm whether this aid was simply taken out the backdoor of Ukrainian army warehouses and sold. Alexei Mazepa, a spokesman for Ukraine’s Defense Ministry, denies that this was going on. “The meals are safe and sound at our warehouses in Kiev,” he says.
Ukraine is not a place you blindly give billions of dollars in financial aid/weapons yet that is exactly what the USA is doing now. Ukraine has earned a rare distinction; it is the poorest AND the most corrupt nation in Europe, this is not opinion it is fact. Ukraine is not independent; it is a corrupt state where dirty deals flourish. American money that could end homelessness in the United States is being handed over to the Ukrainian President Zelensky.
Zelensky has tasted the American money and he loves it, the Russian invasion has America paying his debts, he started asking small but now he demands billions monthly.
Here is Zelensky demanding $7 billion dollars a month from the United States!
This has been Ukraine from day one of its so-called independence, sponging off the world.
Zelensky is an erratic, loose cannon, and an unstable wild man, but he will get his billions because the United States made the mistake of getting in bed with him. The wild child, radical, corrupt Ukrainian government now gives shake down demand to the Americans. George Bush Sr saw all this years ago, he warned Ukraine that their fake independence could go horribly wrong, and it has.
The unaware Americans walking around with Blue and Yellow Ukraine flags painted on their face and in their Twitter profile are ignorant of Ukraine’s modern history. The radical Ukraine which left the Soviet Union in 1991 must be given back to Russia to control, the Russians must seize all of Ukraine to bring peace back to the region. Unless the Russian federation controls all of Ukraine the threat of a nuclear disaster will be a real-world possibility, the United States cannot tame Ukraine it will only enable its dangerous behavior.
Only Russia can control the unruly Ukrainians.
America has no solutions, we have always believed money and weapons could solve everything internationally and this is why we lose so often, look to Afghanistan for a good reference.
The United States will keep funneling billions of dollars and weapons to the wild child Ukraine government because we have no real-world answers. The faster Russia takes back ALL of Ukraine the sooner the world will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Let Ukrainians go back under Russian control, let them go back to their angry underground newspapers, let them vent about how bad Russia is, but don’t give them independence; the world will still be a safer place this way.
Here was Kyiv under Soviet control in the 70’s, the world was safer this way.
Hello M. Stein, thanks for the interesting article. In the Bush Sr video above. Can you give context: when was this recorded? and was he really talking specifically about Ukraine, or was it more generally towards the USSR and its member States?