Ukrainian President Zelensky is responsible for the death of thousands of Ukrainian civilians in Ukraine because he did not surrender to Russia. Before Russian troops entered Ukraine, Russian president Vladimir Putin asked for a non-violent conflict and produced preconditions which revolved around peaceful negotiations. Putin was not looking to rule the Ukrainians, he wanted conditions in place where the Russian people would not have to worry about Ukraine becoming a missile launching pad for America and Western Europe (NATO). But Zelensky was filled with national pride, he would not surrender, he refused to lay down arms, he is responsible for death of thousands of Ukrainians.
Looking back
A simple look at what Putin was asking for shows that it would have been a good deal for the Ukrainians, Putin on numerous of occasions pleaded for no bloodshed or potential loss of life. A week before the Russian invasion Putin asked the Ukrainians to lay down arms and talk.
“I hope that the responsible figures in the Ukrainian leadership will not hinder soldiers in the Ukrainian army from putting down their weapons,” Putin said.
“If they aren’t capable of taking that decision themselves and giving that order, then (I hope) that they won’t prosecute people who want to save their lives and the lives of others.”
This was an honest plea from a world power, it would have been wise for Zelensky to take the offer, but the Ukrainian president was sure America, Germany, France and the United Kingdom had his back. He arrogantly dared the Russians to come and take Ukraine. Zelensky did not think of his Ukrainian citizens, many of whom are of Russian lineage; his eyes were on becoming a war hero. At only 43, Zelensky is inexperienced and can in no way match the military intelligence of Putin.
Zelensky has been playing the West with sympathetic videos and speeches while begging for a no-fly zone that would most certainly result in World War 3, this was confirmed by the former Ukrainian prime minister Mykola Azarov.
“Volodymyr Zelensky had attempted to use provocations at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in order to convince Western countries to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine” Azarov stated.
Most alarming was the way the former ambassador describes how the Ukrainians were playing the Americans to get a no-fly zone by purposely provoking the Russians, without thinking of the loss of life.
Of course, it was a deliberate provocation (By Ukrainian leaders) because, first of all, no sane Russian or Ukrainian soldier would ever dare to carry out this sort of provocation on the territory of Europe's largest nuclear power plant, which has six nuclear power units," Azarov said.
This lines up perfectly with Zelensky’s tough talk to Putin and his bragging that Ukraine would defeat the Russian military. The Ukrainian president is an American media star, he has most of the public support in the world, yet if one looks closely, they will see a manipulator. Zelensky has called American leaders cowards, he has commented European leaders “lack courage” because he was denied weapons he desired. Zelensky is a victim of the American press, he believes he is a war hero, he will not surrender, and Ukrainian fatalities should mainly be blamed on him not Russia.
Zelensky is no military leader, he is a former Ukrainian TV actor who is backed by the United States, England, Germany, and France; he is hurting Ukrainians. Thousands died Because Zelensky didn’t Surrender Ukraine to Russia.
You're hilarious. You must be a Russian comedian.