The United States has just given Russia a valid reason to take complete control of all Ukraine. Today, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Diplomat Anthony Blinken paid a visit to the Ukrainian president Zelensky in Kyiv, it was their first visit with Joe Biden as American President. The visit made it clear that the United States is directly involved in the conflict with the Russians, and the comments from Secretary of Defense Austin makes it abundantly clear that only a full Russian takeover of Ukraine will bring peace. A partial Russian takeover will produce more war.
Weaken Russia
Austin is the leader of the United Sates military and he made it very clear what the U.S. intends to do in Ukraine.
“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine,” Austin said at the news conference. “So it has already lost a lot of military capability. And a lot of its troops, quite frankly. And we want to see them not have the capability to very quickly reproduce that capability.”
Austin’s words can be read as a direct admission of war between the United States and Russia, it is obvious there will be no peace in the region unless the Kremlin controls all of Ukraine. The United States is throwing fuel on the fire, they have given an unstable hothead (Ukraine president Zelensky) a free reign to do as he pleases. Zelensky is not seeking peace, he is an egoist demanding ever increasing ransom money from the United States and heavy weapons. No amount of money will ever satisfy Zelensky, the U.S has made the mistake of getting in bed with the Ukrainian president, now they are stuck with him. Lloyd Austin and Anthony Blinken told the American people last year that all was well in Afghanistan and that the Taliban was “no threat” to the Afghan army, they were dumbfoundedly wrong. Austin and Blinken appear to be wrong again in Ukraine.
Austin words today might be read by the Kremlin as a direct threat to Russia, in all the years of cold war between Russian President Putin and the United States, Putin has never said that he wanted to “weaken the United States militarily”. It is clear the U.S is going in for a long war, which could trigger a nuclear response from one side.
All or nothing
For 70 years Ukraine was ruled by the Soviet Union and the region was at virtual peace.
The words today from Anthony Blinken, while not as direct as Austin, was also highly disrespectful.
He said, according to the BBC: "The bottom line is this. We don't how the rest of this war will unfold, but we do know that a sovereign, independent Ukraine will be around a lot longer than Vladimir Putin is on the scene. And our support for Ukraine going forward will continue and it will continue until we see final success."
Blinken words made it clear that the age of American-Russian diplomacy is finished, he made it clear that war will continue, and the only option is for Ukraine to win. The meeting today left no plans hidden, it is clear the Russian federation must take all of Ukraine, it is the only way to assure peace. Ukraine was under the Soviet Union for 70 years and there was never the threat of world war, as it is today with Ukraine under NATO control. A rogue, untamed, Western controlled Ukraine led by an erratic Zelensky makes the whole world unsafe. Zelensky and NATO will never stop pushing for conflict, unless Russia seizes all of Ukraine there is a real threat of Zelensky triggering world war 3.
Russia will not seize all of Ukraine because Russia has an insecurity complex. Like a battered wife Russia refuses to escalate but instead portrays weakness by not responding to the escalations of the West encouraging yet more escalation. When the Muskva was hit by nato Russia had an opportunity to seize the narrative with justification to retaliate. It didn't. Instead it put out the story our ship is old junk and our service men are idiots that caused a fire, we sank our own ship. This is how Russia begs the psychopaths running the west to provide long range missiles to hit Russian cities. If Russia would have hit all power plants in west Ukraine making it unlivable, denying comfort and convenience to the enemy, forcing mass migration into Europe it would have given all of russia's enemies pause.
Never the threat of world war for 70 years? It seems WW2 went down the memory hole, and Stalin's part in starting that with the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact which took Lviv away from Poland. A lot of the fighting took part in Ukraine, with some fighting for Germans and others for the USSR, this division is the root of the crisis today which US neo-cons are taking advantage of.