Russia must take complete control of Ukraine to save Ukrainian lives from Zelensky
The only way to save innocent civilian life in Ukraine is for Russia to take complete control of all the country, including the capital Kyiv, this would provide the greatest measure of safety for those most at risk. This week in war revealed what many have long suspected, the United States who controls Ukrainian president Zelensky has no intentions of allowing the war to end no matter how many civilians lose their life. Russia must take complete control of all of Ukraine for the safety of the innocent Ukrainian civilians.
After massacres in Bucha and Mariupol one thing is clear, civilians are not safe under Zelensky, his stubbornness, ego and lack of leadership is resulting in needless civilian casualties. Zelensky has fallen in love with the camera, it is what is leading to the destruction of Ukraine, his ego has caused more loss of life than Russian missiles.
At the start of the conflict on February 24th, Ukrainian citizens realized that it was time to flee the country, realizing it would be better to get out, negotiate with Russia from a distance and save lives. Millions escaped but Zelensky then forced male non- soldiers with no military experience to fight and get slaughtered. Zelensky an arrogant young man backed by American promises (and money) forced men who wanted to flee to stay in the country. His local officials handed out a few machine guns and ordered them to fight. It was the massacre we all expected, so many women and children lost fathers. sons, uncles, fiancées, simply because Zelensky forced them to stay and get mowed down. What Zelensky did to these men may be a human rights violation under international law. Russia must take complete control of Ukraine in order to save innocent lives.
The lesson of Mariupol
The small port city of Mariupol is under the complete control of the Russian military, 95% of the infrastructure (buildings) are destroyed, civilians who trusted Zelensky and stayed have lost everything. City leaders announced 2 weeks ago “Mariupol is no more, it is wiped off the earth”, but Zelensky is telling the few Ukrainians, without food, water or homes to fight!
Zelensky is not fit to serve the people of Ukraine, he is collecting massive amounts of money from America, he sits on twitter begging for more money while throwing insults at the Russian president Putin and the Russian people. The United States keeps funding more war even though Russia has already won. Putin stated from the beginning it would be better to lay down arms and negotiate, he was met by tough talk by Zelensky. For the Ukrainian president it has never been about innocent civilians, it was always all about him. Zelensky’s tough guy act on twitter is making him a social media star while innocent civilians pay the price. Zelensky is a failed military leader, insulting Putin on TV, and his innocent citizens pay the price for his mouth.
Zelensky picked up a fat check from Biden this week, $800 million dollars while America is experiencing record inflation, how much does Zelensky get out of this big money? One thing for sure, the citizens of Ukraine will not see even one dollar out of this money. Russia controlling all of Ukraine, including the capital city Kyiv is the only way to save civilian lives, as long as the American checks keep coming, Zelensky will keep forcing innocent civilians to keep on fighting.