Putin vows to rid Russia of traitors
In the eyes of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the war in Ukraine has revealed who is loyal to Russia and who is not. It is possible that his anger comes from a Russian TV producer who held up an Anti-Ukraine War sign on live Russian television, the shocking move and antiwar protests in Russia may have been why Putin chose to issue his statement now. The American media has seized on the TV producer’s Anti-war actions and framed it as “Many Russians oppose the Ukraine war but are afraid to speak out”. It is important to remember that war protests are not new, nor do they reflect the views of the majority of the population.
Putin Statement
“Any people, and particularly the Russian people, will always be able to tell the patriots from the scum and traitors and spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths,” Putin said. “I am convinced that this natural and necessary self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to meet any challenge.”
Did this on-air Anti-War demonstration irk Putin?
While Putin’s statement will be seized upon as being undemocratic, it is important to remember the America protests over the war in Iraq after 9/11.
Millions of Americans protested the Iraq war, and they were labelled unpatriotic. How could anyone protest the war in Iraq when planes took down the twin towers (even though no Iraqis were in those planes)? Thay was the general feeling in half the United States.
The country was split on whether it was appropriate to publicly protest the Iraq war, the split was so severe the mainstream media continually published articles about protests and the war. Going back further to the 1960’s, the protests over the Vietnam war split families and resulted in deaths. The Pro-America versus Anti War protests were some of the bloodiest in American history. The shooting of four students at Kent State will forever be remembered when American war protests are remembered.
Kent State: Four college students protesting war murdered by American soldiers.
It is important to remember that Putin is not much different from any world leader, the censorship in America regarding vaccines is prime example how free speech can be stymied by the American Government. Admitting side effects from the covid vaccine may get you kicked off Facebook, YouTube or Twitter.
My tweet which went viral after Congressman Matt Gaetz retweeted it was removed that very night by twitter because it did not fit the mainstream media narrative (despite the tweet being factually accurate).
Here is the post of that incident.
Click here Twitter removes viral tweet
Putin is at least admitting what he feels about people who do not stand with his views, the American political scene does the same censorship as Putin, but they do it cowardly.