Media fueling Russophobia as New York man is attacked over Russia flag

Russophobia is real, it is the outright hatred and discrimination against all things Russia, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. Yesterday a New York man was opening a gift in public, it was a Russian Flag sent to him from a friend. As he was admiring his flag he noticed a stranger staring at him, he proceeded to walk several blocks away, then was suddenly he was attacked and punched by a stranger., shouting profanity, his tooth was chipped in the altercation. The 35-year-old man is the latest victim of Russophobia which is running rampant across the world due to the Russia Ukraine war.
Media and social media fueled hatred
Much of the cause of the Russophobia can be linked directly to the mainstream media and social media, which has a 24-hour news cycle of anti-Russia sentiment. It is beamed each night into our homes that helpless, innocent (near saintly) Ukrainian people are suddenly being invaded by evil Russians for no reason. Apparently, Russia just decided one day to drop bombs on innocent people, just for the fun of it.
I am not making lite of the horrific attacks of war, but when only one side is presented, it is not news, it is propaganda. This is true for American, Russian and Ukraine media.
Social media showed a maternity ward and a children’s hospital in Mariupol Ukraine being hit with a devastating airstrike, the social media post causes rage to build in the heart of the reader. We are left with one impression, the Russians are evil, they are beyond redeeming, anything (and all things) “Russia” must be defeated. Russia had a response to the airstrike on the children’s hospital and the maternity ward, but the Russian side of the story was never air on American media.
Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy, claimed the building was no longer a maternity hospital and had been taken over by Ukrainian troops. The claim could be pure propaganda.
More interesting is the fact that the Russians warned the United Nations that they would be attacking the hospital days in advance, giving any civilians a chance to leave, Russia claims this is why there were no women or children fatalities initial reported after in the blast, 17 people were claimed to have been injured.
Polyanskiy said Russia had warned on 7 March that the hospital had been turned into a military object from which Ukrainians were firing.
The claim was backed up by Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova who reported Russia bombing the hospital was fake and amounted to "information terrorism".
Real or Propaganda?
Now it is impossible to know if the Russian claim is correct, but it is clear that fierce battles have been taking place from government buildings. The fact that the Russian side is not presented is what fuels the Russophobia, the mainstream media does not present evidence from both sides of the Russia Ukraine story because media has an agenda.
Social media was used to fuel blind hatred of Russians after the attack.
Typical twitter tweet “ Hey guys, Russia just bombed a hospital full of pregnant women and children”, then the tweet is retweeted to thousands of people.
The man who attacked the person who was holding a Russian flag has been charged with a hate crime, this carries many years in prison under New York State law, as well being labelled a hate crime perpetrator for life.
The war in Ukraine is horrible, all war in horrible but media is purposely amplifying the outrage against one side. Every major country on earth has committed horrific acts of war. The United States has dropped more bombs on people than any other first world nation in history. We should take a stand against all war, and not fall for the mainstream media propaganda, there objective is to incite an emotional reaction. Media promoted the riots after George Floyd was murdered, fueling more outrage, and promoting the destruction of American cities.
Don’t take the social media bait, you can reject the horrific Russia Ukraine war, but avoid the Russophobia being incited online.