Insane comparisons of Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler are an insult to the Holocaust
Suddenly with the Russia Ukraine war in full swing, many in the mainstream media have habitually been making the comparison of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Germany’s Adolph Hitler. The comparison is so ridiculous it is amazing that it is allowed in national print or on broadcast media. The words Nazi and fascist are thrown around so regularly today that it barely produces the intended effects; it is so hyperbolic that most people ignore the message but that has not been so when it refers to Vladimir Putin.
Russia defeated Nazi Germany
Putin has stated proudly on more than one occasion that it was the Russians who defeated Nazi Germany, it is a glowing medal of honor to the Russian President that his country ended the carnage of the Nazi War machine. Hitler was a military madman who had his heart set on world domination, he believed in the literal superiority of the German people; this does not line up with the beliefs of Putin. The plan fact of the matter is that NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance) is expanding, and they are now in a good part of Eastern Europe, Putin sees this as a legitimate threat to Russia. Putin has stated publicly that the West has adopted a “Trust us we will never attack” stance, but he fully rejects this notion from the West.
Putin Jan 2022:
“Let’s imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member, it is fully packed of weapons, it gets advanced attack means like those in Poland and Romania and it starts an operation in Crimea,” Putin said, describing Crimea, a part of Ukraine annexed by Russia in 2014, as a “sovereign Russian territory.”
“Let’s imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member state and it initiates a military operation. What should we do then, [should we] fight against the NATO bloc? Did anyone think at least something about that? Apparently not.”
Russia has warned NATO since 1998 about their expansion into Russian territory, yet this has not stopped NATO from doing it. Western expansion was never the reason for Hitler’s Germany invading any country, any comparison to Russia today is simply asinine.
Mainstream media fueling an ignorant public
“Putin as Hitler” continues to roll out in the news cycle practically on a daily basis. The intent is clear, the more the comparison is made, the more likely a very uninformed public will take the bait. Keep pounding the message and it seems more plausible. Congressmembers making the comparison make for flashy headlines.
No sane person would compare Putin to Hitler, but this is where we are, a 24-hour news cycle needs a bad guy and who better than Adolph Hitler to invoke an emotional response to sell news. Ask any of the remaining Holocaust survivors if Vladimir Putin is anything like Adolph Hitler.
Joe Biden in 1997 said it was wrong for NATO to expand into Eastern Europe as this would provoke Russia by putting missiles on their backyard. Click the Red Heart to see Biden in the tweet

The war in Ukraine is horrific, we can reject war and also reject the comparison of the 2 leaders.
Any comparisons of Putin to Hitler in 1930’s Nazi Germany is a cheap trick to boost ratings from an uneducated populace.