3 Reasons America needs a Vladimir Putin type President
America has been missing something in the office of the President for a long time and it is something the President of Russia possesses. Vladimir Putin is the absolute coolest president maybe in history, it is something the American presidency has lacked for a long time. The last American president that had the swagger of the Russian president was Ronald Regan over 40 years ago. Vladimir Putin has “it”, meaning the qualities that make for a perfect leader of a world power government. There are 3 reasons why the United States needs a Putin styled President to restore the pride of the Nation.
Reason 1: Love of country
The love of Russia that Putin has is different than most modern presidents, for example Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks down on Canadians, he does not see them as equals to himself. The Canadian trucker convoy protest revealed a smug Trudeau who came off as one who detested the very people he governs. Trudeau could easily leave Canada and govern France without batting an eye. Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr, George W Bush, and Obama all held the office of President of the United States, but none really showed deep love for the American people, Bush Jr came closest after 9/11. Donald Trump brought a genuine love of country, but his love of himself overshadowed his love of country.
Putin never brags about great he is, he simple leads and the country follows. His confidence is so powerful he does not have to brag about himself. Putin’s leadership is not the North Korean dictatorship of Kim, it is an “understood” leadership which Putin possesses. Putin’s love of Russia is engrained in him not like current American presidents who remind us “we are all Americans” only on the 4th of July. Putin’s love of his country shows on his face, his walk, and his very being.
The Russians people would never vote out Putin no matter how hard the American media tells the world that he is a dictator that the people want gone; it is simply not true. Putin is a poster of Russian pride; he demands respect just from looking at him; he is a Russian James Bond. The Russian President is a former spy that can do the physical acts of men half his age, we lack that in the White House. Trump’s MAGA movement is amazing, but it is still about him, more than America first. Russians know they are secure with Putin in office, he is supported by the vast majority of Russians, even if they do not say it out loud. Joe Biden is the opposite of Putin, Biden cannot stop his criticism of America, he sees America as racist and as an unequal nation. Biden is lacking America first pride.
Reason #2 Russia First
Putin has no desire to invade other countries, despite what we see in Ukraine. Russia has warned NATO about expanding into Eastern Europe (close to Russia) for over 20 years, yet NATO keeps expanding. Putin has warned America and Western Europe about this Eastern European expansion, he has stated that the West is becoming more and more aggressive. What most people are not aware of is that Putin has more than once proposed that America, Europe, and Russia destroy all nuclear weapons, yet the United States has refused on four occasions. The United States is different, we are a nation that believes in going into other countries and molding them in our image, it has largely failed. We believe in setting up presidents in other countries in the name of democracy, we believe we can run those countries if we supply financial support. Russia has no desire to build other nations, Putin’s only desire has been to consolidate the Russian nation as it was in the former Soviet Union, with Putin it is all about Russian greatest not about nation building. The United States could eliminate homelessness, drug addiction and violent crime if we really wanted to, yet we do not really want to. Our eyes are always on other countries, to make them into our image.
Reason #3 The Border
Nothing defines the security of a country like the strength of its border. The border is the front door, it is equal to if not more crucial than military weapons. The American border is essentially open, and it is so by design. This year the United States is on pace to have a record 2 million illegal immigrants enter the country, in any other country this would be considered an invasion, but not so with the current Administration. The Biden Administration will not even admit that this a crisis, they call it a concern but not a crisis. Why is the border open? It is open because of race, everything in America is defined by race and this weakens our nation. There are no Americans, there are Black Americans, African Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Whites (who are strangely never called European Americans), this division has weakened the border in the age of political correctness. Today, people of color are given a right to enter the country illegally.
Any mention of the border crisis is met with criticism of racism, almost half the congress believes securing the border is racist, as it is people of color who are largely the ones illegally entering the United States. Looking at the Russia people there is little division, everyone is Russian. Putin even considers the Ukrainians people Russian. Putin said last week, Ukraine and Russia are “One Nation”, meaning Ukrainians are actually Russians, which is probably genetically true. Putin said Ukrainians have been brainwashed by Nationalists into hating Russia. Back in America, Joe Biden seems to be aiming for a 100% Black American Administration. Biden made it clear his Supreme Court pick had to be Black, no Whites, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans need apply, this is un-American.
Putin has made it clear that the invasion of Ukraine was due to the Russian border, NATO keeps coming closer to the Russian border, Putin sees this as a direct threat to the security of the Russian people. Biden barely notices the invasion on the American border. Could America improve with a Vladimir Putin styled love of country, the answer is yet. Putin is not perfect; he has his flaws but in terms of leading a nation he is the best example of leadership today.